The machines talk like electronic music in a disco. They’re loud and sparks fly. It’s not everyone’s taste but it’s a familiar rhythm to our craftsmen. They dance to a tune that only other artisans understand.

If dancing is the art of moving in purposefully selected sequences then watching a craftsman perform his magic on a piece steel definitely falls within this definition. Their rhythmic pattern sees them cut, fix and then pause. And when they pause they cast their honed eye down the length of metal to check their work. Only an experienced eye can confirm or deny the quality of the finished product. A tap here, a tap there. Getting metal to align is patient work.

Much of the work that goes into a screen is unseen. The stainless steel mesh is secured with a patented technique within an aluminum frame. Skilled hands and careful fixing are required to secure the mesh in place. It’s this underground work that ensures the screens offer the highest levels of security and robustness. It’s what gives our screens the edge.

Dedicated to their art, our team only make three screens a day. That’s it. That’s their tempo. They’re making the best screens they can, not the most.

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away”. – Henry David Thoreau (1817 -1862)