First installations are underway!

It’s been a long six months since we took our first order but now it all seems worth the effort. This weekend we installed our first screen doors. The first villa to be fitted was ours so we could make sure the team was trained correctly in the installation process and to ensure the product design was correct.

One of the main issues we faced when fitting the screens was that villas in the UAE do not have a ‘square’ opening. Our measuring during the first round of orders showed that most doors have a slope and are not level, along with every opening not having straight sides or a straight headboard. This is proving a little challenging but the team are working through the issue and have a couple of tricks up their sleeve!

We’re also finding the quality of brickwork behind the rendering is very average. This can also prove challenging as we screw the screens deep into all four sides of the opening to ensure they can’t be forced open. Again it’s not too much of an issue as the guys are more than capable at coming up with alternate solutions.

The screens look great and we’re so proud of the whole team in pulling this together.